Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Footprint in the Lake--Upcoming Book Signing

We arrived in Cuchara on December 18 and are enjoying the Dog Bar and reconnecting with many of the full time residents as well as with part timers who also enjoy Christmas in Cuchara. The Christmas Eve service at the Cuchara Chapel was packed and just as meaningful as ever. I sent the final manuscript of The Footprint in the Lake to the publisher last week and anticipate publication in early April. Cal and Karen Sandbeck have graciously offered the Dog Bar and Grill to host the introductory book signing on Wednesday July 14, 2010. The Dog Bar is the absolute most fitting setting for this book signing as it is prominently featured in the latest adventure. I'm also pleased to announce my new Facebook. Karen Sandbeck convinced me that I need to cast aside my Facebook phobia. She offered to promote my website on their Facebook page. Self published authors need to take advantage of all available venues. I welcome ideas and opportunities for ways to promote the books, and in turn the Cuchara Valley.

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